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Educational news for all  0nline Colleges A teacher is a person who help others to acquire knowledge, competences or values.Online Classes Informally the role of teacher may be taken on by anyone (e.g. when showing a colleague how to perform a specific task). In some countries, teaching young people…


Do these 5 yogas at home every morning, never have to climb the steps of the hospital

Do these 5 yogas at home every morning, never have to climb the steps of the hospital

Padahastasana: Padahastasana is formed from the combination of three words.  The first word is pada which means foot, the second word is hasta which means hand and the third word is asana which means posture.  If you do this asana daily, you will stay fit and fine.  You can easily do this asana at home.  To do this asana, stand up and bend forward and touch the feet with both hands.  This is the third mudra of the 12 yogas included in Surya Namaskar.  Regular practice of this asana melts belly fat.

Naukasana: If you do Naukasana daily, many diseases are cured.  In this yogasana, the body is in Nan's posture.  This asana is practiced from ancient times.  Doing this asana regularly reduces belly fat, strengthens bones and keeps sugar levels under control.  If the stomach has increased after pregnancy, then you should do this asana.

Kapalbhati: Kapalbhati is a pranayama that many people know about.  Kapalbhati is beneficial for health in many ways if you do it daily.  By doing this yoga, toxins from the body come out.  Along with this, the fatigue in the body is removed.  Blood circulation is improved.  Doing this asana relieves breathing related problems.

Balasana: Bal means child and asana means posture.  This asana is best if you do it with children.  Regular practice of this asana melts belly fat and also relieves back pain, neck, back and joint pain

Anulom Vilom: Anulom Vilom should be practiced by everyone daily.  This pranayama is best for women.  This asana should be done for 10 minutes daily.

Do these 5 yogas at home every morning, never have to climb the steps of the hospital

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