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Educational news for all

Educational news for all  0nline Colleges A teacher is a person who help others to acquire knowledge, competences or values.Online Classes Informally the role of teacher may be taken on by anyone (e.g. when showing a colleague how to perform a specific task). In some countries, teaching young people…


Showing posts with the label TALIM

Matter of connecting students in MAT course on DIKSHA portal

Matter of connecting students in MAT course on DIKSHA portal Subject: Matter of connecting students in MAT course on DIKSHA portal  According to NEP 2020, emphasis is placed on developing a variety o…

The world's largest online summer camp once again by the Vidyaniketan Department of Children's University ...Summer Camp - Kalamrutam - 2022

The world's largest online summer camp once again by the Vidyaniketan Department of Children's University ...Summer Camp - Kalamrutam - 2022 Teachers are great sources of knowledge, prosperit…

Matter of joining DIKSHA through online course on course-2, teaching-learning processes.

Matter of joining DIKSHA through online course on course-2, teaching-learning processes.  Pursuant to the above subject and context-1, to state that GCERT and Language and Learning Foundation (LLF) u…

Planning of Teleconference according to SMC, SMDC training.

Planning of Teleconference according to SMC, SMDC training. Subject: Planning of Teleconference according to SMC, SMDC training.   Regarding the above subject, it is planned to provide guidance to th…

Regarding the issue of releasing the list of new SRGs who have been selected as subject matter.

Regarding the issue of releasing the list of new SRGs who have been selected as subject matter.   According to the above subject, the process for selection of new SRGs was carried out from here durin…

online training letter from Disaster Management Institute

online training letter from Disaster Management Institute Teachers are great sources of knowledge, prosperity and enlightenment to which anyone can be benefited for whole life. They serve as the real…

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